
Pendle Hill

If you venture out today, I recommend a place place to go,

Idyllic in the summer sun, enchanting in the snow,

The tapestry of woven memories, where beauty overflows,

Hidden within the heart of Lancashire, in paradise aglow.

I’ve wandered through alone at times,

with no companion in sight,

I’ve encountered many blessings,

And journeyed through the slights.

Each time life throws adversity you know where I might be,

Galloping through the woodland, and following the streams.

With friends I’ve travelled far to hear stories and share feelings,

Immersed in silent laughter, exploring life with more meaning.

Round reservoirs, through marshland until we reach the summit,

Capturing the moment, making future plans as we plummet.

Endorphins and fresh air, asking questions being brave,

Smiling as we picnic, discussing loves lost and first dates.

With some I’ve planned my future, I’ve even dared to dream,

What our house might look like, embracing natures beauty scenes.

A place as pretty as a picture, a place to be still,

Everything feels better looking down from Pendle Hill.

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