
Since I was small, I have always loved writing. I used to write books and sell them for fifty pence to my friends in year two and I have always dreamed of becoming a writer in some, way, shape or form. As a twenty five year old, I have achieved this goal.

For the past three years I have worked as a bid writer, writing proposals for businesses to help them secure new clients, which I have thoroughly enjoyed. However, I have missed having the ability to express myself creatively and in my free time I have been writing as a means to explore the ways in which life has challenged me, expressing the feelings that arise and narrating my own story to anyone who wants to hear it.

The purpose of this blog is to share my life experiences through small literary pieces. In recent years I have been obsessed with the idea of self development and growth, I have made mistakes, learned from them and made some more. In the process of living, I have written a number of pieces including; reflective journals, poems, short stories and letters.

As I understand I am only twenty five, I am no expert on life and nor do I pretend to be. As a mini disclaimer I recommend reading all I write with an open mind and taking my ideas with a pinch of salt. I am human, I get things wrong and some of what I write is entirely fictional, other things not so much.

Happy Reading.

Liberty x