
The Lake

Tormented minds and hearts that break,

Life, has weathered my soul, so soft,

I wait and pray by the stillness of the lake,

A weary fight, where storms do scoff.

Through reflections mourn, bitter frost,

I wake to nightmares, dreams come true,

I fight and scream, a priceless cost,

In seeking you an endless pursuit.

I now don’t have the words to speak,

I almost never have the answers,

I only have this blissful moment,

Weaving in and out of life mystique,

With every day, a new component.

Years do pass and seasons change,

The lake is still and flowers bloom,

Silence is heavy, estranged we grow,

But in myself I must pursue.

I’ve tried hard to find you, bring you back,

Break the cycle, and mend the cracks.

I say goodbye with a heavy heart,

With space and distance, our paths depart.

Alone on this journey, I’ll forge my own way,

Through blizzards of doubt and showers of grace.

I hope you too one day, find your strength,

Returning transformed, whole again.

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